
Housing First

Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)

The BCFES Housing First Project is a rapid-rehousing program for young adults between the ages of 18-24, particularly with experiences of foster care. We provide rental assistance and supportive services for up to 24 months to support housing stability and the pursuit of post secondary education.

How do we help?

In addition to rental assistance, the BCFES Housing First Project can provide furniture, supportive resources, life skills courses, and access to community partners to support housing and educational stability. A Housing Coach and Peer Advocate will support youth with housing searches, obtaining employment, and pursuing postsecondary education.

Interview with LaDonna Sewell

Click here to read our interview with Housing First’s associate director, LaDonna Sewell.

She shares more about her experience and her passion for helping connect youth with available resources.

Learn More

Click below to open a PDF with more information, including Housing Coach contact info and how to register.

Get In Touch

Do you have questions about the Housing First program?

Want to check if you’re eligible for Housing First and apply for the program?

Fill out the contact form below and we’ll be in touch.